YouTube Thumbnail Download (incl. Shorts, Live)

Enter the YouTube video URL to extract and download its thumbnail.

Extracted YouTube Thumbnail Result

🎬 How to Extract and Download YouTube Thumbnails

You can easily extract thumbnail images from YouTube videos, Shorts, and live streams. Various quality options are available, allowing you to download thumbnails in resolutions ranging from low to high, depending on your preference.

📋 Copying the YouTube Video URL

First, copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to extract a thumbnail from.
Go to the desired video page on YouTube.
In the browser’s address bar, select the URL and press Ctrl + C (or Command + C on Mac) to copy it.

📥 Pasting the URL

Paste the copied YouTube URL into the input field.
Click on the input field labeled "Paste the YouTube link here."
Press Ctrl + V (or Command + V on Mac) to paste the URL.

🔍 Clicking the Extract Button

After entering the URL, click the "Extract" button to extract the thumbnail image.
Click the "Extract" button next to the input field.
After a moment, thumbnails of the YouTube video in various resolutions will appear.

💾 Saving the Image

Save the extracted thumbnail image.
Click the download button next to the thumbnail you wish to save.
Hover over the thumbnail image, right-click, and select "Save image as" from the menu.
Choose a file name and save location, then click the save button.

The thumbnail displayed at the top is the highest quality (e.g., 1280x720), and as you scroll down, the resolution and size decrease.
Quality Level Resolution Notes
Highest Quality 1280x720 Not available for all videos, depends on the original resolution
Standard Quality 640x480 Available if the original video is at least standard quality
High Quality 480x360 Available for most videos
Medium Quality 320x180 Available for all videos
Low Quality 120x90 Available for all videos, suitable for smaller thumbnails

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